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Welcome to Day 1 of our Unit. On Day 1 We will beginn with SCIENCE. 

Content Standard: 7.) Describe the life cycle of plants, including seed, seed germination, growth, and reproduction.

                         1.) Demonstrate proper vocal technique by using pure head tone, good posture, and correct rhythm.

                              Example:  Using appropriate dynamics while singing expressively


Student Objective: The student will be able to identify the different parts of a plant through shared reading, experimentation, music, and dance with 100% accuracy.  

Teaching/Learning Procedure:

        A.) Launch: As the students are preparing for the lesson, the teacher will open an anonymous quiz on the projector screen. The children will sign in the multiple choice quiz using an app on their school furnished iPads. When signing in, the students will make up an anonymous name such as Spider Man. The children will be asked a serious of questions to include, “What is the first phase of the plant life cycle? What is the Alabama state flower?  What do plants need in order to live?” This will allow the students to see what questions they got right or wrong as well as allow the teacher to see where the class is at as a whole. Next, the teacher will start a K-W-L Chart on the smart board. Students will write what they Know about plants, how they grow, and what they Want to know about how plants grow. The teacher may ask questions to initiate the thinking process. For example, the teacher may ask, “Do you know what is inside of a seed?”  “How might a seed get planted in the forest?” The students will then be instructed to proceed to the rug for shared reading.

        B.) Investigation: The teacher will provide the students with a picture walk of the shared reading book on the rug. While taking a picture walk through the book, the teacher will probe the students asking, “What do you think is happening in this picture?” The teacher may also ask, “What stage of the plant life cycle do you think is illustrated on this page?” The teacher will then have a shared reading of The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. The teacher will stop reading upon reaching teachable moments while reading the book in order to discuss various details.  Before leaving the rug, the students will be given instructions about the next activity. The students will then walk back to their desks without touching any of the materials. The teacher will reiterate the life cycle of a plant. The students will each have a lima bean that has been soaked in water overnight. The students will open the lima bean and observe what is inside, such as the embryo. Next, the teacher will tell the students that we are about to plant our own seed and watch it grow over the next few days. The teacher will ask them to predict what will happen after they plant the seed. The teacher will instruct the students to place one cup of potting soil into their cups. The teacher will ask the students to turn and talk about what may be in the soil that helps the seed sprout and grow. The teacher will ask, “Does anyone have an idea of what may be in the potting soil that helps the plant sprout and grow into a plant?” The teacher and students will explore different ideas posed by the students and explain that nutrients are in the soil. “Can anyone tell me what the first thing our seeds are going to do when planted?” The students and the teacher will explore ideas and determine that the seed will become germinated and sprout. The students will then be asked to place the seed into the cup and cover it will the soil in their cups. The students will then water the plants with one third cup of water and place in the window. The students will draw and color a picture of what their plant looks like under the heading of “Day One” in their science notebook. The drawing should be in one section of a page that is divided into four sections. The heading of the page should read, “Seeds in a Cup.” As the seeds sprout and grow, the students will explore and determine which stage of the life cycle the plant is in. The students will draw and color the plant as seed germination, growth, and reproduction throughout the week on the other sections of the page that is divided in their science notebooks.  

       C.) Accommodation: ESL students will work with the teacher in small groups for individual instruction

       D.) Extension: As the students are writing in their science journals on the last day of the unit, the teacher will pass out lyrics to a song that is on YouTube. The students will read over the lyrics while the teacher is retrieving the website. The students and teacher will sing the song using the appropriate dynamics.

       E.)Closure: Students and the teacher will go on a scavenger hunt throughout campus in order to identify plants that are in all four stages of the plant cycle. 

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