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WELCOME TO DAY 2-The LANGUAGE ARTS portion of our unit!


  • Student Outcome: Students will be able to successfully retell a story while separating into groups and presenting orally with 90% accuracy. Students will be able to move with proper body alignment while moving as if they are planting a bean with 100% accuracy as the teacher monitors.

Standards:  Language Arts: 34.) Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace. [SL.3.4]

Arts Education: Dance: 5.) Demonstrate proper body alignment while moving.

Demonstrating the ability to move from a balanced position to an off-balanced position

  • Launch of Lesson: Students will watch the video “Can You Plant a Bean” ( while doing the movements with it. Students will pay close attention to the actions of the plant in the video, while they are maintaining their balance. The class will have a discussion about the similarities between the bean plant and the other types of plants that they have covered during the week. The teacher would ask, “Do they have the same type of cycle? Do they require the same things to survive? Do they demonstrate the same type of movement?” The class will use a Venn diagram on the SmartBoard to keep track of their findings.  

  • Investigation/ Presentation:  The teacher will move the class to the carpet where they will do a picture walk in the book, “The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds: A Book about How Living Things Grow” while the teacher poses questions such as, “Where in the plant is the class traveling? Where do you think they will be going next? Would you like to travel inside of a plant?” After the book is read, the teacher will ask the students to tell her their favorite part of the book, and the students will write their answers on the SmartBoard. The students will separate into groups of four and will prepare to retell the story in chronological order. The students will reiterate the story with great detail in the correct sequence. Each group will retell a quarter of the story, and every member will have a chance to speak.

  • Accommodations/ Modifications: ELL students will work with an English speaking student if they need assistance.

  • Extensions/ Challenges: Students will write their own ‘book’ about when their class went inside a plant! Students are encouraged to be descriptive and illustrate the pages. The students will present their story to the class orally or through movement. If permitted by the student, their books will be available for to read in the class library.

  • Closure: After the class has retold the entire book, the class will go back to their seats and create a Venn diagram in their journals about the similarities and differences between a real plant and the plant in the book.

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