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Welcome to Day 4, the SOCIAL STUDIES part of our Unit.


Student Outcomes:

The students will be able to label the parts of the flower onto their own state flower creation with 90% accuracy.


a) ALEX- Social Studies- 3.) Describe ways the environment is affected by humans in Alabama and the world. (Alabama)

A. Launch of lesson: The teacher will start by reviewing the parts of the flower. Then the teacher will ask the class if they know what Alabama’s state flower is. Then will read some of The Culture of the Camellias by J. Raymond Kessler to the class.

B. Investigation/Presentation: The teacher will show the students pictures of Alabama’s state flower and will explain why this is the state flower. Once the students see the state flower, they will have the opportunity to create their own state flower out of construction paper. Students will also be asked to label the parts of the flower on their drawing.

C. Accommodations/Modifications: If students are not able to use scissors, another student or teacher will help cut the flower out.

D. Extensions/Challenges:  The students can find Alabama’s state flower in their neighborhood and be able to share with their parents the parts of the flower.

E. Closure: The teacher will have the students present their state flower to the class and why they chose to create their flower the way they did. 

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